01. Musicians Warming Up [01:38]
02. Nothingville/ Guitar Man [Part 1 - Evil Section, Take 1 - 01:46]
03. Let Yourself Go [Section 2 - Takes 2, 3, 4, 5 - 03:31]
04. Let Yourself Go [Section 2 - Take 6 - 02:30]
05. Let Yourself Go [Section 2 - Take 7 - 03:02]
06. Trouble / Guitar Man [Opening - Take 1 - 04:00]
07. Trouble / Guitar Man [Opening - Takes 2, 3 - 03:56]
08. Sometime I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord
[Rehearsal, Incomplete - 01:49]
09. Sometime I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord [Take
1 - 03:02]
10. It Hurts Me [Composite Of Section 4 - Take 1 & “After Karate” Section 1 - Take 1
- 02:25]
11. Guitar Man [Section 1 - Escape, Takes 2, 3, 4 - 02:23]
12. Guitar Man [Section 1 - Escape, Takes 5, 6, 7, 8 - 03:35]
13. Calliope Carneval [Section 2 - Escape, Take 1 - 00:32]
14. Big Boss Man [Section 3 - Escape, Take 1 - 01:24]
15. Big Boss Man [Section 3 - Escape, Take 2 - 02:00]
16. It Hurts Me [Section 4 - Escape, Take 1 - 01:59]
17. It Hurts Me [Section 4 - Escape, Takes 2, 3, 4 - 02:05]
18. It Hurts Me [Section 4 - Escape, Take 5 - 01:57]
19. It Hurts Me [Section 4 - Escape, Take 5 - 7 - 01:09]
20. It Hurts Me [Section 1 - After Karate, Take 1 - 01:05]
21. It Hurts Me [Section 1 - After Karate, Takes 2, 3 - 01:20]
22. It Hurts Me [Section 1 - After Karate, Takes 4, 5 - 00:47]
23. Saved [Alternate Take - 01:31]
24. Sometime I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord / Yes
Yes Yes / Up Above My Head / I Found That Light / Saved [Master With Count-In
- 08:42]
25. Nothingville / Big Boss Man / Guitar Man / Little Egypt / Trouble / Guitar Man
[Master - 06:48]
26. If I Can Dream [Take 5 With Count-In - 03:28]